Welcome to Advanced Motorists of Northern Ireland


AMNI is the Northern Ireland Forum for Groups affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Motorists IAM RoadSmart which is the UK’s leading Road Safety charity and is the primary choice for advanced driver training, or government consultation as we are dedicated to increasing skills for all road users, raising driving and riding standards and helping to save lives on our roads.

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About Advanced Motorists of Northern Ireland

The aim of this site is to promote advanced driving within Northern Ireland and highlight road safety issues. We have several Institute of Advanced Motorists affiliated AMNI groups represented on this site with which we hope you will enjoy taking your advanced driving test. [more info]

Finding Your Local Advanced Driving Group

The most successful route to becoming an advanced driver is through joining one of our local groups. Through these groups you will receive coaching from a qualified observer before undertaking your test. Please visit our Local Groups section in order to find the most suitable for you.